Part 30
Update 30:

There is something to be done in this place. Yes.

Gale, like Argilla, is trying to stop a quarrel.

"... maybe."

"I can't stand being in a Tribe with one of the Solids!"
Ah, intratribe drama.

Tch. Now I feel like an idiot for worrying about it at all."

"Devouring occurred every day, and we called it 'politics.'
I'm just as tough as you youngsters."

Oh, my head..."

There is a fundamental difference here. That chest and those Pyro Jacks were not there before.

"Why are ya still here, ho?
Mick's already winked off to the other world.
I'm just chillin' with my partner here ho! Hee!"

"Hee! Ho!
But, but!
Get out! Out!
No treasures for you, ho!
And that's because--
It's because--
Our new king's on the hee ho throne!
So go hee home!
This is for the new king!"

"Please go hee home. I beg you.
If you want what's inside the chest, go find the key, ho-hee!
Revel in... er--
Repent of your evil deeds
And serve the King. Hee may give you some treasure, ho!"
"Go home, then, go home!
Get out og here, hee ho!
I won't share the treasure with a hee ho like you."

"Bring the key as soon as you find it, ho.
Our comrades may have already found it, though."

This will be the main party from now on.

Behind the first wall there is...

A Field Hunt! No need for that at the moment.
Behind the other one...

Noises, level ups and intems. I like that.

That serves to balance up the stats a little bit more.

The money drops are getting better, but the cost of the mantras is getting brutal. That is not pleasant.

Taking the one in the right...

There are 3 keys that are useless and one that is what one wants. The useless ones are made of metal. The useful one, is the Sugar Key.

You want my freakin' key?
Wah ha ha! That's rich...
You'll have to take it from me, dumbass.
I can't wait to find out how tasty you are."

Since it was a Fomor, it was really easy. This key is useless, though.

Goddamn trap containers.

Wasily dealt with at this point.
Then another cute random encounter.


Cielo sure likes luck, eh?

This transport is the one you want to use.

There is a Titania there.

"It's such a great honor to be queen that it almost brings me to tears...
What're YOU looking at!?
I get it! Now you're going to embarass me by telling all my comrades what you saw me doing!
Not if I have anything to say about it, buster!
I'll ram this Sugar Key so far up your ass that it can watch me kick the crap outta you!"
That is rather undignified for a queen to do, I think.

Titania is harder than the other fairy types so far encountered and she shields a lot of types of magic. That is not good.

On the other hand, she drops cells. That is good.

"Let's open it, hee!"

I love the chest.

What kind of treachery is this!?

"I'll be rewarded by the King, hee ho!"

Damnation. GoodyTwoShoes RPG protagonist syndrome attacks again.

Seriously, the chest is awesome.

This should be a good skillset.
The goal now is in the TOP FLOOR.The Princess' chamber. Let's go there.

I think I may have overdone it with the cropping. Maybe. I'll fix that for the next update.
He is DA KING (Viddler)
He even has a Constitution! (Youtune)

He is impressive and astounding.

He is a tyrant, though.

That's kind of a draconic law, isnt' it?

And so the fight begins.
He has changed quite a bit

Click here for the full 941x1024 image.

He has some nasty spells.


This spell, awesome, awesome spell, should take care of most things.

Look how happy they are to receive Almighty + Death.

This, believe it or not, is a physical attack.

Eventually, the king becomes sad. Aww.

And then goes poof.

Oh boy.

Elec Amp"

Levelups for everyone!

And this. In a first playthrough, this unlocks the KING mantra, giving you access to Cocytus (which is awesome) and Megido. Great things.

"I just remembered Article Three of the Hee ho Code!
If your boss is defeated, you have to obey the new Hee-ho.
That means you're the new Hee. Forgive me please, ho."

If you notice, it still has the marks from the Serph-Heat fight.

Since the King mantra has been learnt by pretty much everyone (I think), it is time for Serph to learn this one.
Next: Something else. Yes.